Employers are required to have insurance on their employees in the event that something were to happen while they were on the clock. When an accident occurs that employee can file a workers compensation claim against the company. Filing a workers compensation claim can be easily done in a few steps. If an employee is involved in a workplace accident, they should file a claim immediately if they are seeking help physically and financially. If approved, the claim will help with any medical bills that the worker obtained due to the accident.
Steps to File a Workers Compensation Claim
- Speak with your employer. When you bring the incident to your employer’s attention they will either give you the forms to fill out or offer you information on where you can find the forms.
- See the doctor. When something happens at work and you are unable to recuperate from it without pain medication or are hurting to the point where you need immediate medical treatment, you should seek a doctor or call an ambulance. The doctor will be able to determine how badly you are hurt and if it requires time away from work.
- Fill out Worker Comp Forms. Once you have all of the information that you need from the doctors visit, you can complete the workers comp forms. These forms will ask you for your personal information, about the accident, the doctor’s diagnosis, and more. This information must be completed correctly in order for your claim to be filed.
- Turn them in to the proper authority. In some areas you must return the workers comp forms into a specific office or human resource department. Some places of business require them to be turned in by the employer. Therefore, you might be able to turn in your forms to your manager or boss.
Some employers might not act professionally when a manner like this arises. If this becomes the case in your situation, immediately contact a supervisor or use the chain of command at your workplace. Getting hurt at work is an unfortunate event, but you should not have to suffer because of it. If filing a claim becomes a hassle or if you are unsure whether or not the workplace or employer is responsible for your accident, you can consult a professional. A professional will be able to assist you in filing