Detail of man suffering from back pain in auto accidentsOver the years each state has attempted to implement policies and procedures to help eliminate the number of truck and auto accidents. These implementations range from repaving roadways to replacing the road signs to help oncoming traffic read them. Over time some signs may fade or appear to say something different than they were originally intended to. Accidents that occur on major highways normally involve an increase speed. Whenever you increase speed, you are increasing the chances of causing a major injury from an auto accident.

Auto accidents can cause several injuries to occur and even death. They are one of the major causes of death among teenagers and young adults. Some of the injuries that are seen in the ER, resulting from an auto accident are:

  • Whiplash: This injury normally happens when a sudden jerk or jolt happens during an accident. It can be fatal if it goes untreated. It occurs in the neck and can cause chronic pain to occur.
  • Broken Bones: Any accident runs the risk of breaking bones. If the car involved is a smaller model, chances are the person driving it will suffer broken legs or possibly arms if they are outreached to the steering wheel during impact.
  • Sprains or Strains: This can be anything from a pulled muscle to a full on spasm. Lower back strains are the most common in auto accidents. It occurs when there is inflammation in the back, neck, or other part of the body as a result of an accident or a quick jolt to the body.
  • Headaches: These are common with all accidents. If the head is damaged in any way it can result in headaches. Headaches can also occur once the accident has happened as a result of the stress from the accident.
  • Bruises or Lacerations: Often there are bruises or cuts and scrapes on those involved in an accident. The seat belt can cause a bruise to appear from restraining the person during the accident. This bruise can be rather large resulting in the upper half of the body being a dark blue or purple and eventually a shade of black.
  • Back Injuries: Like whiplash, victims often suffer from back injuries such as a slipped disc or a crack in one of their backbones. It does not take much pressure to cause a fracture and it can occur even with minor accidents.
  • Sciatica Flare-ups: Flare-ups occur in the leg and back most often. Victims of car accidents have noticed flare ups after the accident due to injuring their back or leg. Over time the flare ups can prevent the person from daily tasks. Eventually, if not treated, flare ups can cause a person to miss work for weeks or force a person to staying in bed to ease the pain.
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