Bicycle AccidentUnless we have a hurricane moving through, the weather in Florida is always sunny enough for a bike ride.  Many towns, including Melbourne, are perfect for strolling the streets and enjoying the breeze from the never too far away ocean.  Unfortunately bicycle accidents happen and thousands of people each year are injured as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Collisions top the charts as the most common cause of bike accidents.  There are many factors that can contribute to the traumatic event.  Fast moving traffic with little response time, limited sight, or hazardous conditions are all a recipe for serious injury.  Collisions with cars leave inadequately protected bike riders severely injured.  Leisure rides and training for marathons, all bike riders take a risk when biking in and around town.

Injuries Can Be Detrimental

Depending on the type of accident, injuries can range from simple sprains to death.  When a person is injured on a bike, there is no protection other than what they are wearing.  Broken bones and concussions can leave a person out of work for weeks.  Spinal injuries and broken hips are also common and can leave a person permanently disabled and unable to work or even walk.  Traumatic brain injuries are also common given helmets are not mandated.  Some people just never fully recover from injuries sustained by the negligence of others.

First Things First

Anytime you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you should seek proper medical attention.  Even if you feel ‘fine’, most head and back injuries progress over time.  When the adrenaline wears off, you may not feel fine anymore.  Plus, it might hurt your case later on if you find you do need the help of a Melbourne attorney.  Denying medical attention and signing a police statement stating just a few bumps and bruises will look as if your case is fraudulent, even when it isn’t.

Insurance companies may want to get involved.  You should get your attorney involved.  Insurance companies always try to settle with the lowest out of pocket expenses for them.  But because injuries are often much more in depth than the medical bills (which they don’t always cover completely), an attorney can fight for your rights to lost wages, pain and suffering and possibly lost benefits.  These are things you have a right to that insurance companies do not cover.

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