Pedestrian fatalities continue to be on the rise throughout Florida. With many pedestrians walking or biking to where they need to go, many cars may not see them or end up accidentally hitting them. This is becoming an ongoing problem for those that are living within...
Dealing with the death of a loved one is never a simple affair. However, after the grief has begun to subside and the practical matters have been addressed, you may be wondering what you can do to help pick up the pieces and go on. While the law can never restore your...
A parent’s worst nightmare is to receive news that his or her child has been taken due to the negligent actions of a third party. Yet, for some parents, this is the reality that they must live with every day. Dealing with the loss of a child can be overwhelming and...
Cell phones have changed the way we live, work, and play. They offer convenience and knowledge at the push of a button or the swipe of a finger. They have changed the way we communicate, too: rather than hope to catch someone when they are free, we can simply send a...
Losing a loved one is tough in any situation. Losing a loved one because of the wrongful actions of someone else is even worse. What’s more, in many wrongful death situations, the loss of the loved one leaves behind a financial hole as well as an emotional one. If you...
Many people are familiar with the case of Jim Carrey and his late girlfriend who overdosed on opiates in September of 2015. The finger was originally pointed at Carrey because people claimed that he was obtaining drugs under a pseudonym and giving them to his late...