Compensation allowed Within Personal Injury Laws

When an accident occurs, the last thing that a person wants to do is fight over restitution. The pain and suffering endured could cause long term effects that they may never truly recover from. Because of this, courts have granted victims of personal injuries...

Crime versus Wrongful Death

Wrongful death can occur at any time, any place, and between anyone. When the result of an accident is death, the person who is at fault for the accident can be sued with a wrongful death claim. This in turn could net the family the money to cover expenses regarding...

A Few Differences in Laws Surrounding Personal Injuries

There are several laws that pertain to personal injuries. Some of these laws may be similar to other laws found in neighboring states, but some of the laws are very different. When residing in one state, you may know that state’s laws regarding personal injury, but...

Statute of Limitations in Personal Injury Cases

There are a number of reasons why a person would need to file a personal injury claim. These reasons can stem from a slip and fall accident at the local coffee shop to a child becoming burned on a toy that did not have a warning label. Personal injury cases are heard...

Personal Injury Laws and Dog Bites

No one wants to see a family pet have to be put to sleep because they bit someone. However, in some states the injury laws require that if the dog has shown aggression previously, there is no other choice but to seek punishment. This punishment can vary depending on...
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