Auto AccidentsThere are several areas along major highways where there are signs that read “No Cell Phone Usage.” These signs are put in place to help remind drivers that using their cell phone is a huge risk to them as well as the surrounding drivers. When a driver is distracted by their cell phone, they pay little attention to what is going on around them. This could cause several auto accidents, pile ups, and fatalities.

Benefits of Implementing No Cell Phone Zones

  1. Traffic commutes are easier done with less drivers being distracted by their cell phones.
  2. Road safety is increased when cell phones are not allowed. People stay focused on the road and the vehicles around them instead of texting or talking on the cell phone.
  3. Road rage from being on a cell phone and not paying attention to the surrounding drivers is eliminated.
  4. Areas where cell phones are allowed will increase in population of those drivers who would rather take the long way and use their cell phones.
  5. Public news will pick up on the stories where cell phones are being banned and the statistics that come from the ban.


Restricted Use of Cell Phones while Driving

In some areas drivers are allowed to use their cell phone to communicate with others. However, the rules of the communication are that it is strictly voice. There is no texting allowed while driving. Some areas also require the driver to own and use a Bluetooth device. This device allows the drive to talk on the cell phone without using their hands. This and other “hands free” devices are sold by cell phone carriers and large retail stores. Although, they can lower the risk of being in an auto accident, they do not exempt anyone.

Other Distractions that put Drivers at Risk

A cell phone can be a major distraction, but aside from them, there are several other distractions that a driver must avoid. When learning how to drive through a Driver’s Education course, they inform the students of the different distractions that they might face. Changing the radio station is a distraction because it causes the driver to take their eyes and hands off of the steering wheel to focus on the radio dial. Simple things such as a passenger and conversation can become a distraction. Whenever the driver is in a conversation or their mind drifts to what is being talked about on the radio, they risk getting into an auto accident.

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