Being in an accident can be very scary. Mentally, it can shake you up and cause you to forget important things that you need to take care of. The moments right after an accident are the most important regarding your insurance claim. The information that is needed must be obtained before you or the other people involved leave the scene.
There are no two accidents alike, but with all accidents there are a few things that you should obtain before leaving the scene. Evidence that should be obtained include police reports, photographs, witness reports, camera recordings, and personal property such as the helmet worn. Here is a breakdown of why:
- Police Reports: Even if everyone is okay, a police report should still be filed. This happens when the police are called out to the scene. They will create diagrams and write down information pertaining to the accident. They will also collect much needed information from witnesses and bystanders. Police reports will include any tickets written to either party, and the reasoning behind the accident, per their inspection.
- Photographic Proof: Cell phones have allowed people to have a camera with them at all times. This has come in handy when an accident happens and you’ve left your digital camera at home. When you’ve been in an accident, take pictures of everything. Take pictures of your motorcycle, the other party’s car, your helmet, the road and exact spot that the accident occurred, everyone involved should be photographed, and anything else that pertains to the situation.
- Witness Reports: Those who witnessed the accident happening are invaluable. Although the police should talk to everyone, they don’t always get around to everyone. You should note any and everything that a witness claims to have seen, take their name and numbers, and use this for your insurance claim.
- The Helmet You Wore: Taking pictures might not do it enough justice, therefore you should always keep the helmet that you wore during the accident. Do not do any alterations to it. Having the helmet proves that you took the precautions to keep your head injury free.
Although this is only a few things that you should have prepared to file an insurance claim with, a lawyer can help you determine exactly what kind of case you actually have. They can help you determine if you are owed compensation and how to go about getting it if so. Any questions and concerns that you have regarding the motorcycle accident can also be directed towards an attorney that deals with those accidents specifically.