PFC Contamination: Hundreds are Filing Personal Lawsuits

PFC Contamination: Hundreds are Filing Personal Lawsuits

Those that currently and formerly living in Montgomery and Bucks Counties are now filing personal injury lawsuits. They are going up against several manufacturers of foams used in firefighting. These foam materials have been used for decades. Mostly used in military...
Tax Tips After Receiving a Personal Injury Settlement

Tax Tips After Receiving a Personal Injury Settlement

It is important to note that when you have a personal injury settlement, there is money awarded to the person that brings the case against another. This money is subject to taxes, depending on how it is received, how much is given and what it is given for. Certain...
Surveillance in Personal Injury Cases

Surveillance in Personal Injury Cases

Surveillance is something that is used in almost every case out there. Not only is it something that can provide the needed footage to show whether or not a person is at fault, but it is the backbone for many of the personal injury cases that go to court. With the use...
Rise in Pedestrian Car Crashes is Concerning

Rise in Pedestrian Car Crashes is Concerning

When a car crashes, it is very concerning when a pedestrian in the area walking down the road or sidewalk is involved. These pedestrians do not have the protection of a vehicle, since they’re out in the open, while the person in the vehicle is generally not hurt at...
Speaking Out Against Personal Injury Attorney Ads

Speaking Out Against Personal Injury Attorney Ads

When it comes to the ads placed out by personal injury attorneys, it is apparent that many doctors and other professionals out there are having a problem with it. Not only do these ads make it seem like many doctors and pharmaceutical companies are negligent, but that...
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